On Killing A Tree line by line explanation

It takes much time to kill a tree,

  • It is not easy or quick to kill a tree.

Not a simple jab of the knife

  • You can’t kill it just by stabbing it with a knife.

Will do it. It has grown

  • The tree is strong because it has grown for a long time.

Slowly consuming the earth,

  • The tree slowly takes nutrients from the soil.

Rising out of it, feeding

  • It grows upward by feeding on what the earth provides.

Upon its crust, absorbing

  • The tree absorbs nutrients, water, and minerals from the earth’s surface.

Years of sunlight, air, water,

  • Over the years, the tree has absorbed sunlight, air, and water.

And out of its leperous hide

  • From its rough and uneven bark,

Sprouting leaves.

  • Leaves grow from the tree’s bark.

So hack and chop

  • Even if you cut and chop it,

But this alone won’t do it.

  • Cutting alone won’t kill the tree.

Not so much pain will do it.

  • The tree can withstand a lot of damage without dying.

The bleeding bark will heal

  • The bark, which looks like it is bleeding, will eventually heal.

And from close to the ground

  • New growth will emerge from near the base of the tree.

Will rise curled green twigs,

  • Small, green shoots will sprout.

Miniature boughs

  • These small branches will grow bigger.

Which if unchecked will expand again

  • If not stopped, they will grow back to their original size.

To former size.

  • They will become as large as before.


  • But this isn’t enough.

The root is to be pulled out –

  • To truly kill the tree, you must remove its roots.

Out of the anchoring earth;

  • The roots need to be taken out from the ground where they are held firmly.

It is to be roped, tied,

  • The roots must be tied up with ropes.

And pulled out – snapped out

  • You must pull them out forcefully.

Or pulled out entirely,

  • The roots should be removed completely.

Out from the earth-cave,

  • The roots come out from the place where they were deeply buried.

And the strength of the tree exposed,

  • This exposes the tree’s true strength.

The source, white and wet,

  • The roots are white and moist.

The most sensitive, hidden

  • These are the most delicate parts that were hidden underground.

For years inside the earth.

  • The roots have been buried for years.

Then the matter

  • After the roots are removed,

Of scorching and choking

  • The tree will be dried out by the sun and deprived of water and nutrients.

In sun and air,

  • It will be exposed to the sun and air.

Browning, hardening,

  • The tree will turn brown and become hard.

Twisting, withering,

  • It will twist and shrivel up.

And then it is done

  • Finally, the tree will die.

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