Asleep In The Valley line by line explanation

Asleep In The Valley line by line explanation

Asleep In The Valley line by line explanation

Asleep In The Valley line by line explanation

A small green valley where a slow stream flows

  • A small green valley: A little valley that is lush and green.
  • where a slow stream flows: With a gentle stream running through it.

Explanation: A small, green valley with a gentle stream running through it,

And leaves long strands of silver on the bright

  • And leaves: The stream leaves behind.
  • long strands of silver: Long, shiny lines that look like silver.
  • on the bright: On the bright.

Explanation: And leaves long, shiny lines that look like silver on the bright,

Grass; from the mountaintop stream the Sun's

  • Grass: On the bright grass.
  • from the mountaintop: From the top of the mountain.
  • stream the Sun’s: The sun’s rays come down.

Explanation: Grass. The sun’s rays stream down from the mountaintop,

Rays; they fill the hollow full of light.

  • Rays: The beams of sunlight.
  • they fill: They fill up.
  • the hollow full of light: The valley with light.

Explanation: The sun’s rays fill the valley with light.

A soldier, very young, lies open-mouthed,

  • A soldier: A young military person.
  • very young: Very young.
  • lies open-mouthed: Lying with his mouth open.

Explanation: A very young soldier is lying with his mouth open,

A pillow made of fern beneath his head,

  • A pillow made of fern: His head is resting on a pillow made of fern leaves.
  • beneath his head: Under his head.

Explanation: With his head resting on a pillow made of fern leaves,

Asleep; stretched in the heavy undergrowth,

  • Asleep: Sleeping.
  • stretched in the heavy undergrowth: Lying stretched out in the thick plants and bushes.

Explanation: He is asleep, lying stretched out in the thick plants and bushes,

Pale in his warm, green, sun-soaked bed.

  • Pale: Looking very white or pale.
  • in his warm, green, sun-soaked bed: In his warm, green, sunlit resting place.

Explanation: Looking pale in his warm, green, sunlit resting place.

His feet among the flowers, he sleeps. His smile

  • His feet among the flowers: His feet are surrounded by flowers.
  • he sleeps: He is sleeping.
  • His smile: His smile.

Explanation: His feet are among the flowers as he sleeps. His smile,

Is like an infant's - gentle, without guile.

Is like an infant’s: Is like a baby’s.

gentle, without guile: Gentle and innocent.

Explanation: Is like a baby’s—gentle and innocent.

Ah, Nature, keep him warm; he may catch cold.

  • Ah, Nature: Oh, Nature.
  • keep him warm: Keep him warm.
  • he may catch cold: He might get cold.

Explanation: Oh, Nature, keep him warm; he might get cold.

The humming insects don't disturb his rest;

  • The humming insects: The buzzing insects.
  • don’t disturb his rest: Do not bother his sleep.

Explanation: The buzzing insects do not bother his sleep;

He sleeps in sunlight, one hand on his breast;

  • He sleeps in sunlight: He is sleeping in the sunlight.
  • one hand on his breast: With one hand on his chest.

Explanation: He is sleeping in the sunlight, with one hand on his chest;

At peace. In his side there are two red holes.

  • At peace: He looks peaceful.
  • In his side: In his side.
  • there are two red holes: There are two red bullet wounds.

Explanation: At peace. There are two red bullet wounds in his side.


The poem describes a peaceful scene of a young soldier lying in a beautiful, sunlit valley. He looks peaceful and innocent, as if he is just sleeping, with a gentle smile on his face. Nature seems to protect him, but the last line reveals that he has two red wounds in his side, indicating he is actually dead. The poem contrasts the serene beauty of the natural setting with the tragedy of the soldier’s death.

Highlight of Asleep In The Valley line by line explanation

  1. A small green valley where a slow stream flows
  2. And leaves long strands of silver on the bright
  3. Grass; from the mountaintop stream the Sun’s
  4. Rays; they fill the hollow full of light.
  5. A soldier, very young, lies open-mouthed,
  6. A pillow made of fern beneath his head,
  7. Asleep; stretched in the heavy undergrowth,
  8. Pale in his warm, green, sun-soaked bed.
  9. His feet among the flowers, he sleeps. His smile
  10. Is like an infant’s – gentle, without guile.
  11. Ah, Nature, keep him warm; he may catch cold.
  12. The humming insects don’t disturb his rest;
  13. He sleeps in sunlight, one hand on his breast;
  14. At peace. In his side there are two red holes.
  1. A small, green valley with a gentle stream running through it,
  2. And leaves long, shiny lines that look like silver on the bright,
  3. Grass. The sun’s rays stream down from the mountaintop,
  4. The sun’s rays fill the valley with light.
  5. A very young soldier is lying with his mouth open,
  6. With his head resting on a pillow made of fern leaves,
  7. He is asleep, lying stretched out in the thick plants and bushes,
  8. Looking pale in his warm, green, sunlit resting place.
  9. His feet are among the flowers as he sleeps. His smile,
  10. Is like a baby’s—gentle and innocent.
  11. Oh, Nature, keep him warm; he might get cold.
  12. The buzzing insects do not bother his sleep;
  13. He is sleeping in the sunlight, with one hand on his chest;
  14. At peace. There are two red bullet wounds in his side.

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