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West Bengal Class 12 English Question Paper 2019 with Solution

Part - A [Marks:60]
1. Answer any two of the following questions each in about 100 words: 6×2=12
A. “… the girl got up and began to collect her things”- Who is the girl? When did she get up? Why did she get up to collect her things? What had the speaker thought about the brief encounter he had with the girl? 1+1+1+3
Who is the girl?
The girl is the co-passenger who shared the train compartment with the narrator from Rohana to Saharanpur.
When did she get up?
She got up when the train was approaching Saharanpur station, where she was getting off.
Why did she get up to collect her things?
She got up to collect her things because her journey was coming to an end, and she needed to prepare to leave the train.
What had the speaker thought about the brief encounter he had with the girl?
The speaker thought that while the girl would soon forget the brief encounter, he would remember it for a long time. He enjoyed her company and found her voice pleasant and memorable.
B. “His answer filled me with a strange energy and enthusiasm.”- Who is the speaker? Whose answer is referred to here? What was the answer? 1+1+4
i) The speaker is APJ Abdul Kalam.
ii) The answer referred to is that of Kalam’s father, Jainulabdeen.
iii) Jainulabdeen explained that when people are in distress, they seek help from others, often attributing their aid to demonic forces. He emphasized that one should understand the difference between a fear-ridden vision of destiny and the vision that enables us to find the enemy of fulfillment within ourselves, guiding one to overcome difficulties by introspection.
C. “You gonna take me to jail?”- Who asked this question and to whom? When did the speaker ask this question? What reply did the speaker get? 2+3+ 1
i) Roger asked this question to Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.
ii) Roger asked this question after Mrs. Jones caught him trying to steal her purse and brought him to her home.
iii) Mrs. Jones replied that she would not take him anywhere with his dirty face, implying that she had no intention of taking him to jail.
D. How was the wounded man revived and nursed? Why did he ask forgiveness of the Tsar? What did the Tsar do when he had gained the man for a friend? 2+2+2
i) The Tsar washed and bandaged the man’s wound, repeatedly stopping the bleeding. He gave the man fresh water to drink and, with the hermit’s help, carried him into the hut to rest.
ii) He asked forgiveness because the Tsar had saved his life, despite his intent to kill the Tsar in revenge for executing his brother and seizing his property.
iii) The Tsar forgave the man, promised to send his servants and physician to care for him, and vowed to restore his property.
2. Answer any two of the following questions each in about 100 words: 6×2 = 12
A. How does the poet describe the growth of a tree over the years? What are the different steps taken for killing the tree? 4+2
i) The poet describes the tree’s growth as a slow process of absorbing nutrients from the earth, sunlight, air, and water. Over the years, it develops a strong trunk and sprouting leaves, deeply rooted in the ground.
ii) ‘Hacking, chopping, uprooting, exposing roots, and allowing the tree to wither’ are the different steps taken for killing the tree.
B. “… His smile/is like an infant’s …” – (a) Whose smile is being referred to here? (b) Why is his smile compared to the smile of an infant? (c) How does nature take care of him? 1+3+2
Ans: (a) The smile of the young soldier is being referred to here.
(b) His smile is compared to that of an infant to emphasize its innocence and purity. This comparison highlights the soldier’s youth and the tragic irony of his death, as he lies in eternal peace, undisturbed by the horrors of war that claimed his life.
(c) Nature takes care of him by providing a peaceful resting place. The valley, with its warm sunlight and lush greenery, acts as a gentle, nurturing environment, almost as if cradling him in a final, serene embrace.
C. “But thy eternal summer shall not fade”- Who is being referred to as ‘thy? What is meant by ‘eternal summer’? Why shall not ‘thy eternal summer’ fade? 1+1+4
i) Who is being referred to as ‘thy’?
‘Thy’ refers to the person whom Shakespeare is addressing, praising their eternal beauty.
ii) What is meant by ‘eternal summer’?
‘Eternal summer’ symbolizes timeless beauty and youthfulness.
iii) Why shall not ‘thy eternal summer’ fade?
Shakespeare believes that ‘thy eternal summer’ shall not fade because he will immortalize it in his poetry. His verses will ensure that their beauty remains fresh and everlasting.
D. How does Keats show that ‘the poetry of earth’ never ceases?
Keats shows that ‘the poetry of earth’ never ceases by describing the continuous sounds of nature throughout different seasons. In summer, when birds are too hot to sing, the Grasshopper takes over and sings joyfully in the fields. He enjoys the warm weather and never stops having fun. In winter, when everything is quiet and cold, the Cricket sings from inside the warm house. This shows that even in the cold and silence of winter, nature’s music continues through the Cricket’s song. Thus, Keats proves that nature’s poetry never stops, no matter the time of year.
3. Answer any one of the following in about 100 words: 1×6=6
1. “Why are you so formal in your get up?”- (1+1+4)
Who is the speaker?
- The speaker is Natalya Stepanovna.
Who is being spoken to?
- Natalya is speaking to Lomov.
What led the speaker to make this comment?
- Natalya makes this comment because she notices Lomov is dressed in formal attire, which is unusual for a casual visit. She is curious about the reason for his formal appearance, as it hints at his intention to propose. Lomov’s nervousness and formal dress lead Natalya to question him, unaware initially of his proposal plan. This highlights her curiosity and sets the stage for the ensuing misunderstandings and arguments.
2. Lomov came with a proposal to marry Natalya Stepanovna. What logic does he give for his decision? (6)
Lomov provides several logical reasons for his decision to marry Natalya:
Age and Stability: Lomov believes that at 35 years old, it is time for him to settle down and lead a more stable life.
Health Concerns: He mentions his various health issues, thinking that having a wife would help him manage his life better and provide care.
Practical Match: He sees Natalya as a suitable match because she is an excellent housekeeper, educated, and not bad-looking, which would make her an ideal wife.
Social Expectations: Lomov feels societal pressure to get married and fulfill the expectations of being a landowner with a family.
Economic Benefit: The marriage would be economically advantageous, as it would unite two neighboring estates, ensuring peace and cooperation between the families.
Desire for Companionship: Lomov longs for companionship and believes marriage will provide him with the support and partnership he needs in life.
3. “I’m the most unhappy of men”- (1+3+2)
Who said this?
- Lomov said this.
Why did he say so?
- Lomov says this because he is frustrated and anxious after the argument with Natalya over the Oxen Meadows. His health issues and nervousness exacerbate his feelings of unhappiness, and he is distressed over the failed marriage proposal.
How did the speaker get rid of his unhappiness?
- Lomov’s unhappiness is resolved when Chubukov convinces him to return to Natalya, and she accepts his proposal. The resolution of their misunderstandings and the agreement to marry bring him relief and happiness.
4. (a) Do as directed:
(i) I don’t intend to give up what I have.[Use the underlined word as a noun and rewrite]
→ I have no intention of giving up what I have.
(ii) The Tsar said, “I come to you, wise man, for an answer to my questions.”[Change into indirect speech]
→ The Tsar said to the wise man that he came to him for an answer to his questions.
(iii) The man would have attacked you.[Change the voice]
→ You would have been attacked by the man.
(iv) The door was open.[Turn into a negative sentence]
→ The door was not closed.
(v) The sun began to sink behind the trees, the Tsar stuck the spade into the ground at last.[Turn into a complex sentence]
→ As the sun began to sink behind the trees, the Tsar stuck the spade into the ground.
(vi) The most important thing in the world was science. [Change into positive degree]
→ No other thing in the world was as important as science.
(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions:
When my father came out of the mosque after the prayers, people of different religions would be sitting outside, waiting for him. Many of them offered bowls of water to my father, who would dip his fingertips into them and say a prayer. This water was then carried home to invalids.
(c) Correct the error in the sentence:
You might run that comb through your hair so you will look present.
→ You might run that comb through your hair so you will look presentable.
5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Sometimes it is hard to believe that I’ve been up here in the hills all these year-fifty summers and monsoons and winters and Himalayan springs (there is no real spring in the plains) -because when I look back to the time of my first coming here, it seems like yesterday.
That probably sums it all up. Time passes, and yet it doesn’t pass; people come and go, the mountains remain. Mountains are permanent things. They are stubborn, they refuse to move. You can blast holes out of them for their mineral wealth; or strip them of their trees and foliage, or dam their streams and divert their currents; or make tunnels and roads and bridges; but no matter how hard they try, humans cannot actually get rid of the mountains. That’s what I like about them; they are here to stay.
I like to think that I have become a part of this mountain, this particular range, and that by living here for so long, I am able to claim a relationship with the trees, wild flowers, even the rocks that are an integral part of it. Yesterday, at twilight, when I passed beneath a canopy of oak leaves. I felt that I was a part of the forest. I put out my hand and touched the bark of an old tree, and as I turned away, its leaves brushed against my face, as if to acknowledge me.
(a) State whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True and ‘F’ for False: (You need not write the sentences, write only the numbers)
(i) The oak leaves formed a roof over the author. → T
(ii) The author does not like the fact that mountains are permanent things. → F
(iii) The author means to say that he has lived through all the seasons in the mountains. → T
(iv) Humans cannot do away with the mountains. → T
(b) Answer each of the following questions in about 30 words:
(i) What can man do to mountains?
→ Man can blast holes for minerals, strip mountains of trees, build tunnels and roads, or dam their streams.
(ii) What does the author claim a relationship with?
→ The author claims a relationship with the mountains, trees, wildflowers, rocks, and the forest around him.
(iii) Why is it hard to believe for the author that he has lived in the hills for fifty years?
→ It feels like yesterday to the author because time passes quickly, and the permanence of the mountains makes it seem unreal.
6. (a) Write a report on a campaign of ‘Educate the Girl Child organised by your school. Mention the role of both students and teachers, purpose of this campaign, participation, response and so on. The report will be published in your school magazine. (Word limit: 150 words) 2+8=10
Educate the Girl Child Campaign
Our school recently organized a week-long campaign on “Educate the Girl Child” to promote awareness about girls’ education. Both students and teachers actively participated in the initiative. Students conducted street plays, distributed pamphlets, and made posters highlighting the importance of educating girls. Teachers held seminars for parents and communities, emphasizing the role of education in empowering girls and improving society.
The campaign received an overwhelming response, with many families pledging to send their daughters to school. This initiative reinforced our belief that educating girls can pave the way for a brighter and more inclusive future.
Or, (b) Write a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school requesting him/her to make more variety of books available in the library. (Word limit: 150 words) 2+8=10
The Headmaster/Headmistress
[School Name]
Subject: Request to Add More Variety of Books in the Library
Dear Sir/Madam,
With due respect, I, Sanjay Singh, am writing to request an expansion of the variety of books available in our school library. While the library has many academic books, there is a lack of books on diverse topics like fiction, biographies, science, and art. Introducing such books would greatly enrich students’ knowledge and foster a love for reading.
I kindly urge you to consider adding a wider range of books to our collection. This will benefit all students by providing access to a variety of learning resources.
Yours sincerely,
Sanjay Singh
Or, (c) Write a precis of the following passage. Add a suitable title. 2+8=10
Charlie Chaplin once said, “In this age of scientific inventions, we think too much, we feel too little.” Science boosts up the modern craze for material prosperity. It has revolutionized our lives. It has made life more comfortable with various amenities. It is undoubtedly the driving force behind any human excellence. But it kills the soul of a man. Our skills and habits are changed by science. Excessive mechanization brings unhappiness because human faculties are slighted. A person starts believing that machines will do all for him, and this tendency becomes fatal in this high-tech world. But none can doubt that science has helped us to discover the hidden truth in nature. Can we ever imagine the modern age without computers, lasers, antibiotics, biotechnology or different electronic gadgets? That is why it is said that science gives knowledge and power but not wisdom.
The Dual Role of Science
Science has revolutionized human life, making it comfortable with inventions like computers, antibiotics, and electronic gadgets. However, excessive dependence on machines undermines human abilities, causing unhappiness. Science provides knowledge and power but not wisdom, and over-mechanization can be detrimental. Despite its drawbacks, science helps discover hidden truths in nature and remains indispensable in modern life. (71 words)
Part - B [Marks: 20]
[Multiple Choice Type Questions (MCQ) and Short Answer Type Questions (SAQ) of 1 mark.]
1. Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided: 1×4 = 4
(i) The wounded man was actually …
(a) enemy of the hermit
(b) enemy of the Tsar
(c) friend of the Tsar
(d) disciple of the hermit
(ii) On entering her room Mrs. Jones asked Roger to …
(a) eat dinner
(b) comb his hair
(c) wash his face
(d) take rest for a while
(iii) Abdul Kalam’s father would convey complex spiritual concepts in simple down-to-earth …
(a) Arabic
(b) Urdu
(c) Tamil
(d) Telugu
(iv) The girl in the train compartment thought the narrator to be …
(a) gallant
(b) serious
(c) gallant and serious
(d) pretentious
2. Answer any four of the following questions, each in a complete sentences: 1×4= 4
(i) What did Abdul Kalam’s father use to avoid?
→ Abdul Kalam’s father avoided inessential comforts and luxuries.
(ii) What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to take leave of him?
→ The hermit was sowing seeds in the ground when the Tsar came to take leave of him.
(iii) What, according to the hermit, is the most important thing to do?
→ According to the hermit, the most important thing to do is to do good for the person you are with at the moment.
(iv) Where was the girl in the story “The Eyes Have It” getting off?
→ The girl was getting off at Saharanpur.
(v) Who did the narrator of “The Eyes Have It” think to be formidable creatures?
→ The narrator thought that women with good eyesight were formidable creatures.
(vi) What shoes and jeans was Roger wearing?
→ Roger was wearing tennis shoes and blue jeans.
(vii) Whom did Kalam consider to be a very close friend of his father?
→ Kalam considered Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry, the high priest of the Rameswaram temple, to be a very close friend of his father.
(viii) When and where did Roger and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones meet?
→ Roger and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones met at night on the street when Roger tried to snatch her purse.
3. Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided: 1×4= 4
(i) ” … his gold complexion dimmed’- Here ‘his’ refers to
(a) the sun
(b) the sky
(c) poet’s friend
(d) poet himself
(ii) Green twigs that rise from close to the ground are
(a) straight
(b) curled
(c) crooked
(d) crinkled
(iii) Being tired the grasshopper rests beneath
(a) green hedge
(b) bushes
(c) pleasant weed
(d) grassy hills
(iv) Nature is pleaded to keep the soldier
(a) pleasant
(b) warm
(c) asleep
(d) peaceful
4. Answer any four of the following questions, each in a complete sentence:1×4= 4
(i) “Slowly consuming the earth” – What does the expression ‘consuming the earth’ mean?
→ The expression “consuming the earth” means the tree’s roots growing deeper and spreading into the earth over time.
(ii) Where does the stream leave ‘long strands of silver’?
→ The stream leaves ‘long strands of silver’ on the bright pebbles.
(iii) What shall death not brag about in Shakespeare’s poem?
→ Death shall not brag about taking the poet’s friend because the friend’s beauty is immortalized in the poem.
(iv) What might one hear on a lone, cold, and silent winter evening?
→ One might hear the cricket’s shrill song on a lone, cold, and silent winter evening.
(v) Where do the birds hide when they are ‘faint with the hot sun’?
→ The birds hide in the cooling trees when they are faint with the hot sun.
(vi) What kind of a poem is “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day”?
→ “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is a Shakespearean sonnet.
(vii) Where does the soldier lie stretched?
→ The soldier lies stretched in a small, sunlit valley.
(viii) Where does the tree’s strength lie?
→ The tree’s strength lies in its roots, buried deep in the earth.
5. Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided: 1X4= 4
(i) The worst of Lomov’s physical problems is
(a) the way he sleeps
(b) his palpitations
(c) his headache
(d) his limp
(ii) Chubukov said that Lomov’s younger aunt had run away with-
(a) a hunter
(b) a drunkard
(c) a count
(d) an architect
(iii) Lomov wanted to remind Natalya that her dog was
(a) ugly
(b) old
(c) overshot
(d) lame
(iv) Natalya suggested that Lomov should not go after foxes but-
(a) catch black beetles
(b) go after horses
(c) shoot partridges
(d) go to the doctor
(i) The villagers who have come to the landlord seeking help are suffering from a terrible
(a) famine
(b) disease
(c) drought
(d) flood
(ii) Mister Babu Das is the name of the
(a) peasant
(b) gambler
(c) havaldar
(d) landlord
(iii) The queen gave five coins to the guru for teaching Charandas
(a) never to sing
(b) never to get drunk
(c) never to steal
(d) never to tell a lie
(iv) The woman made her ornaments from
(a) Jalgaon
(b) Bhatgaon
(c) Raigarh
(d) Nandgaon