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West Bengal Class 12 English Question Paper 2015 with Solution

Part - A [Marks:60]
1. Answer any two of the following questions each in about 100 words: 6×2=12
(a) “I’m tired of people telling me I have a pretty face.” —Who said this to whom and when? What did the person spoken to reply? 1+1+2+2
i) Who said this to whom and when?
The girl said this to the narrator during their conversation in the train compartment.
ii) What did the person spoken to reply?
The narrator replied by saying, “Well, an interesting face can also be pretty.”
(b) “Why don’t you say this, to the people who come to you …?’- Who says this and to whom? What is referred to by the word this? Why do the people come to the person spoken to? 1+1+3+1
i) APJ Abdul Kalam says this to his father, Jainulabdeen.
ii) The word “this” refers to the spiritual and philosophical advice Kalam’s father had just shared about understanding the relevance of suffering and adversity.
iii) People come to Jainulabdeen, Kalam’s father, seeking help and advice in times of distress. They look to him for prayers and guidance to alleviate their troubles, viewing him as an intermediary who can connect them with divine assistance.
(c) How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man?
The Tsar nursed the wounded man by first washing and bandaging his stomach wound with his own handkerchief and a towel provided by the hermit. Despite the blood continuing to flow, he persisted in cleaning and rebandaging the wound until it finally stopped bleeding. He then gave the man fresh water to drink, and with the hermit’s assistance, carried him into the hermit’s hut and laid him on a bed. The Tsar remained by his side throughout the night, tending to him and ensuring his comfort, displaying compassion and care despite his own fatigue.
(d) Eat some more, son.” – Who is the speaker? What is offered by the speaker to the listener? What picture of the speaker’s character is revealed in this line? 1+1 +4
i) The speaker is Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones.
ii) Mrs. Jones offers Roger food to eat.
iii) This line reveals that Mrs. Jones is kind and caring. Despite Roger trying to steal her purse, she shows him compassion by feeding him. She treats Roger with warmth and generosity, as if he were her own child, demonstrating her forgiving and nurturing nature.
2. Answer any two of the following questions each in about 100 words: 6×2 = 12
(a) Why does it take “much time to kill a tree”? How is the tree finally killed? 3+3
i) It takes much time to kill a tree because its roots are deep inside the earth and for years it has been feeding on earth’s crust absorbing sunlight, air and water.
ii) The tree is finally killed by pulling out of the mother earth. When its roots are exposed to sunlight and air, the tree begins to get scorched and choked.
(b) Justify the title of the poem ‘Asleep In The Valley’. 6
The title “Asleep in the Valley” is deeply ironic and evocative, perfectly capturing the poem’s essence. At first glance, it suggests a peaceful and serene scene of rest in nature. The soldier appears to be in a tranquil sleep amidst the beauty of the valley, with the warm sun and soft grass creating a comforting environment: “A small green valley where a slow stream flows,” and “His feet among the flowers, he sleeps.” However, as the poem progresses, it becomes evident that the soldier is not merely asleep but dead, as revealed by “In his side there are two red holes.” The title underscores the tragic contrast between the serene setting and the harsh reality of the soldier’s death, highlighting the futility of war.
(c) But thy eternal summer shall not fade.” -Who is the poet? What is meant by “thy eternal summer”? How does the poet suggest that “thy eternal summer” shall never end? 1+1 +4
i) Who is the poet?
The poet is William Shakespeare.
ii) What is meant by “thy eternal summer”?
“Thy eternal summer” refers to the beauty of the person being addressed, which will never diminish.
iii) How does the poet suggest that “thy eternal summer” shall never end?
Shakespeare suggests that the person’s beauty will stay forever young and beautiful because he will immortalize them in his poetry. He promises that as long as there are people alive to read his words, their beauty will live on.
(d) Why does Keats feel that the poetry of earth is never dead? 6
Keats feels that the poetry of earth is never dead because nature is always alive with sounds. In summer, even when birds are too hot to sing, the Grasshopper continues to make music. He enjoys the warm weather and sings from the fields. In winter, when everything is quiet and cold, the Cricket sings from inside the house. This shows that no matter the season, there is always some creature making music. Therefore, nature’s poetry, or music, is always alive and never dies.
[“The Proposal” drama was included after this year.]
3. Answer any one of the following in about 100 words: 1×6=6
(a) What did the peasant tell Charandas about the famine in the village and the landlord’s role? What did Charandas do to the landlord and to what end? 1+ 1+2+2
(b) What is the functions of song in the play?
(c) Habib Tanvir tries to criticize our existing social and political set up through the play ‘Charandas Chor’- Discuss.
4. (a) Do as directed:
(i) Who doesn’t know Ramlal?
→ Everyone knows Ramlal.
(ii) “You have already been answered,” said the hermit to the Tsar.
→ The hermit told the Tsar that he had already been answered.
(iii) I wanted a pair of blue suede shoes.
→ I wanted a pair of shoes that were blue and made of suede.
(iv) The hermit was digging the ground.
→ The ground was being dug by the hermit.
(v) The man who had entered the compartment broke into my reverie.
→ A man entered the compartment. He broke into my reverie.
(vi) This is the best time.
→ No other time is as good as this.
(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and/or prepositions:
I have endeavored to understand the fundamental truths revealed to me by my father, and feel convinced that there exists a divine power that can lift one up from confusion, misery, melancholy and failure and guide one to one’s true place.
(c) Correct the error in the sentence:
It could be a fascinated game, guessing what went on out there.
→ It could be a fascinating game, guessing what went on out there.
5. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
The countrys biggest inland lake, Chilka, connects with the Bay of Bengal through a narrow mouth, hence making it by nature a tropical lagoon. The lake is dotted with a number of picturesque islands bearing evocative names like Honeymoon Island, Breakfast Island and Bird Island. Its beauty is further enhanced by its wide variety of acquatic fauna and resident and migratory birds. Its shores are the habitat of beautiful black bucks. The 19th century Oriya poet, Radhanath Roy, remarked that Chilka was truly a thing of beauty, a joy forever.
The lake is surrounded by numerous hills. Its colour changes magnificently with the passing clouds and the sun’s position. The picture postcard beauty is enhanced by the hundreds of boats which set sail everyday, wafted by the breeze from the sea, the fishermen making a bountiful catch of prawn, mackerel and crab. Chilka wears a grand look specially in winter when it becomes home to exotic species of migratory birds arriving in large number from lands as far of as Siberia and Mongolia and from some other cold countries.
There is a goddess Kalijai temple, abode of its presiding deity, on a tiny island in Chilka. Another attraction is the island home of migratory birds called Nalabana, Visitors of the lake can reach the emerald green islands by motor launches of the Orissa Tourism Development Corporation (OTDC) stationed at Barkul and Rambha that are available on hire. Motor launches of the state revenue department are also available at nearby Balugaon. Besides, country boats can be hired from private operators at all these points.
(a) State whether the following statements are True or False. Write T for True and ‘F’ for False: (You need not write the sentences, write only the numbers)
(i) Hills surround Chilka. → T
(ii) On an island in Chilka, there is a temple. → T
(iii) Chilka has no connection with the Bay of Bengal. → F
(iv) Prawn, mackerel and crab are unavailable in Chilka. → F
(b) Answer each of the following questions in about 30 words:
(i) Who spoke about Chilka and what did he say?
→ The 19th-century Oriya poet Radhanath Roy spoke about Chilka and said it was truly a thing of beauty, a joy forever.
(ii) When does Chilka wear a grand look and why?
→ Chilka wears a grand look in winter when migratory birds arrive from Siberia, Mongolia, and other cold countries.
(iii) How can a visitor explore the islands on Chilka?
→ Visitors can explore the islands using motor launches available from OTDC, state revenue departments, or private operators.
6. (a) Report on a magic show:
A Mesmerizing Magic Show at Our School
Last week, our school organized a thrilling magic show performed by the renowned magician, Mr. Rajesh Kumar. The event was held in the school auditorium, and the students, teachers, and parents eagerly gathered to witness the spectacle. The magician amazed everyone with incredible tricks like vanishing objects, card tricks, and a disappearing act that left the audience in awe. His performance was interactive, and some lucky students even got to assist him on stage. The highlight was a breathtaking levitation act, which drew thunderous applause. The show was not only entertaining but also a great stress reliever for students. It was a truly magical experience that everyone will cherish for a long time.
(b) Letter to MK Electronics:
MK Electronics
Subject: Request for Repair/Replacement of MK TV
Dear Sir/Madam,
Respectfully, I, [Your name] of [Your Address], am writing to inform you about a defect in the MK TV set I purchased from your store two months ago. The TV has developed issues such as distorted sound and irregular display, which have significantly hindered its functioning.
As the product is still under warranty, I kindly request you to repair or replace the TV at the earliest. Enclosed are copies of the purchase receipt and warranty card for your reference.
Looking forward to your prompt response.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
(c) Précis:
The Joy and Value of Travelling
Man’s natural curiosity drives him to explore and travel. Unlike books or pictures, travelling provides firsthand experiences of landscapes, people, and cultures. Travelling by cycle allows close interaction with surroundings and enriches learning about customs, crops, minerals, and natural beauty. Educational tours, health trips, and short adventures combine pleasure with knowledge, making travel a valuable and joyful experience. (80 words)
Part - B [Marks: 20]
[Multiple Choice Type Questions (MCQ) and Short Answer Type Questions (SAQ) of 1 mark.]
1. Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided: 1×4 = 4
(a) The lady picked up the boy from the street by holding his
(i) trousers
(ii) shirt front
(iii) wrist
(iv) arm
(b) According to Ruskin Bond, the best time for visiting the hills is
(i) September
(ii) October
(iii) November
(iv) December
(c) The Tsar asked the hermit
(i) one question
(ii) two questions
(iii) four questions
(iv) three questions
(d) One of the forebears of Kalam’s mother was awarded by the British the title of
(i) Bahadur
(ii) Raibahadur
(iii) Padmashree
(iv) Bharat Ratna
2. Answer any four of the following questions, each in a complete sentences: 1×4= 4
(a) At which station did the blind girl get into the train?
Answer: The blind girl got into the train at Rohana station.
(b) Who was the high priest of Rameswaram temple?
Answer: Pakshi Lakshmana Sastry was the high priest.
(c) What were there behind the screen in Mrs. Jones’s room?
Answer: A sink, a gas plate, and an icebox were behind the screen.
(d) Where did the Tsar fall asleep?
Answer: The Tsar fell asleep on the hermit’s bed.
(e) Who would receive the blind girl at the destination?
Answer: Her aunt would receive her.
(f) In whom did Abdul Kalam’s father have an ideal helpmate?
Answer: Abdul Kalam’s father had an ideal helpmate in his wife, Ashiamma.
(g) Why did Roger want to snatch Mrs. Jones’s purse?
Answer: Roger wanted money to buy blue suede shoes.
(h) What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to visit him?
Answer: The hermit was digging the ground.
3. Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided: 1×4= 4
(a) The silence in “The Poetry of Earth’ has been wrought by
(i) summer
(ii) winter
(iii) frost
(iv) rain
(b) “The eye of heaven” In Shakespeare’s ‘Sonnet No. 18′ refers to
(i) the sun
(ii) the moon
(iii) the poet
(iv) the clouds
(c) The smile of the soldier in the poem ‘Asleep In The Valley’ is
(i) gentle
(ii) witty
(iii) foolish
(iv) cunning
(d) “Miniature boughs”: – The word ‘boughs’ means
(i) leaves
(ii) roots
(ili) branches
(iv) stems
4. Answer any four of the following questions, each in a complete sentence:1×4= 4
(a) What do the “two red holes” signify?
Answer: They signify bullet wounds.
(b) Where are the feet of the soldier?
Answer: The soldier’s feet are among flowers in the valley.
(c) What is the most sensitive part of a tree?
Answer: The roots are the most sensitive part.
(d) “Not so much pain will do it…” -What task does the word ‘It’ refer to?
Answer: ‘It’ refers to the process of killing a tree.
(e) Who takes the lead in summer luxury?
Answer: The Grasshopper takes the lead.
(f) “A voice will run.” – Whose voice is referred to here?
Answer: The Grasshopper’s voice is referred to.
(g) What will make the beauty of the poet’s friend eternal?
Answer: The poet’s verse will make it eternal.
(h) What shall death not brag in Shakespeare’s ‘Sonnet No. 18’?
Answer: Death shall not brag that it can claim the poet’s friend.
5. Complete each of the following sentences, choosing the correct option from the alternatives provided: 1X4= 4
(a) The merchant’s wife got her ornaments made from
(i) Raipur
(ii) Raigaon
(iii) Raigarh
(iv) Junagarh
(b) The amount of money that the Guru asked from the gambler as gurudakshina was
(i) one rupee twenty-five paise
(ii) twenty-five paise
(iii) fifty paise
(iv) one rupee fifty paise
(c) The smoker offered the guru
(i) Cigarettes
(ii) Bidis
(iii) Chillum
(iv) Cigars
(d) The merchant’s wife in the play ‘Charandas Chor’ was from
(i) Nandgaon
(ii) Bhatgaon
(iii) Raigarh
(iv) Pune
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Is the 2015 paper still relevant for the current syllabus?
Yes, while minor syllabus changes may occur, the core concepts remain the same, making this paper an invaluable resource for your preparation.